Welcome teachers to the Thomas Jefferson webquest. Just note that this webquset is to only suited for students in the 4th or 5th grade. In this webquest you will teach your students the contribution Thomas Jefferson had made to Westward Expansion. The Westward Expansion was a significant time in our history. Learning and teaching about the contributions made to the Westward Expansion should be a great pleasure for both you and your students.



1.) Day 1: Give a short introduction about Westward Epxansion. Explain basicaly how we gained the land we now have in present day.


2.) Day 2: Introduce who Thomas Jefferson is. Provide your students with a short oral biography about him. Then explain how he contributed to Westward Expansion without giving them too much information about the topic. Make sure to leave enough information they have to research on their own.


3.) Day 3: Give them 1 day to visit the school library to check out books for the webquest. Allow them to use computers during class. Give the students about 1-2 class periods a week 2 work on their webquest. The given time to complete this webquest should be no longer than 2 weeks.


4.) Guide students into completing their webquests.

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