For this webquest you have the choice to work individually or as a group of no more than 3 members.

1.) If you are working as a group make sure to assign each person a different part. Ex: Say that you are researching the Louisiana Purchase. So you would assign a member to research what happened before the purchase. Then another person would research what happened during the purchase, then another after the purchase.

    * Don't forget to include major points in his life. Give a short biography in the beginning then continue the rest of the project focusing mainly on his contributions to Westward Expansion.

2.) As a group/ individual, visit the page linked as "Helpful Websites". There you will find several websites that will help you in your research. Take advantage of the given help.


3.) As you gather your infomation about the topic, input the information into a Power Point Presentation or a Movie [using Microsoft Movie Maker]


4.) Make sure to go over and beyond with your project. Include additional information to receive a better grade. Be creative and and make your project interesting and unique!


5.) If you do not know how to create a Power Point or a movie using Microsoft Movie Maker, use the following websites to help you out.

- ( Power Point)

- (Movie)


6.) When your all done with your Power Point or Movie, take a few minutes to answer the conlucion questions whic can be found on the Conclusion Page and make sure to include in your Power Point or Movie.


7.) Make sure to include a bibliography of all the sources you have used in creating your project. It is neccessary to use for the correct MLA Format.

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